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Easter Fun and Festivities at Aspire Cobblebank

Last week our Aspire centres celebrated Easter with various festivities and activities throughout the rooms. Whether it was an Easter egg hunt, Easter parade or a visit from the Easter Bunny themselves, there was lots of fun to be had, to celebrate and enjoy everything that Easter brings!  

To celebrate Easter, Aspire Early Education & Kindergarten Cobblebank set up a range of fun Easter activities throughout the week and also had a visit from a special someone! Read on to find out more.

On Thursday 28th of March, Aspire Cobblebank had a special visit from The Easter Bunny! The happy pink bunny was hopping around the centre, visiting all the children in each room. There was dancing, bubble blowing, and plenty of hugs from the children and everyone was so excited, with smiles all morning!

In the week leading up to Easter, educators and children had fun completing different Easter activities including creating colorful Easter hats, exploring loose parts, creating repurposed treasures, and more. The children thoroughly enjoyed these different learning experiences, which promoted their creativity, cognitive and social skills. The children also took part in decorating their rooms with different pictures, decorations and resources which really brought Easter excitement! Check out some of the photos below.

As well as decorating the indoor rooms, Cobblebank’s yard was also filled with loose parts, repurposed treasures, and other different resources. A fun Easter egg hunt was also set up for the children which sparked their exploration and cooperation skills.

At Aspire Cobblebank, we recognise the importance of celebrating different occasions like Easter, as well as other cultural festivals such as Holi, Ramadan, Chinese New Year and more. Celebrating a diverse range of traditions gives the children an opportunity to learn about different cultures and festivities, which helps them broaden their worldview and nurture empathy.  It also enriches their educational experiences and benefits their growth and development.

To learn more about our Aspire Cobblebank centre and what we offer, call our head office on 1800 9788 429 or book a tour of our centre today.

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