Child Care Subsidy Calculator

Our CCS Calculator provides an estimate of your child care subsidy and calculates your out-of-pocket costs, based on your family circumstances.

This tool provides a quick and easy way to understand your potential subsidy entitlements.

Simply input your information and receive an estimate of your subsidy entitlements today.

Please note that our calculator is not affiliated with Centrelink but was created by a third-party source. These results are an estimate and could change depending on changes to personal circumstance, the daily fee, or entitlements.

For more information regarding CCS or your entitlements, contact our Aspire team on 1800 978 429 or enquire online here.

What is Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

As a recognised childcare provider, we are registered for the Government Childcare Subsidy (CCS). Child Care Subsidy is assistance from the Australian Government to help families with the cost of child care.

How does the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Work?

The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidised amount.

To get CCS you must:

  • care for a child 13 or younger who’s not attending secondary school, unless an exemption applies
  • use an approved child care service
  • be responsible for paying the child care fees
  • meet residency and immunisation requirements.

You need to meet some requirements to get Child Care Subsidy. You may be eligible if you or your partner meet all of the following:

  • care for your child at least 2 nights per fortnight, or have 14% care
  • are liable for fees for care provided at an approved child care service
  • meet the residence rules.
  • Your child must also meet immunisation requirements.

How Much CCS Are you Eligible For?

To determine what your CCS might be you can use our Online Subsidy Calculator.

To work out how much CCS you’re eligible for, the following will be reviewed:

  • your family’s income
  • the hourly rate cap based on the type of approved child care you use and your child’s age
  • the hours of activity you and your partner do
  • the number of children in your care

How to claim the CCS?

To receive subsidy payments, you need to register for CCS through your MyGov Centrelink account.

The Services Australia eligibility tool guide can help guide you through the process.

You’ll then receive confirmation from Centrelink informing you of your new CCS percentage and hours of subsidy.

To ensure your child is ready to commence care on your desired start date, we recommend that families check eligibility and lodge a CCS claim with Services Australia in advance, as claims can take up to 8 weeks to be processed. If your child starts at a service before you have lodged a claim, or while the claim is being assessed, you will be charged full fees. If your family is assessed as eligible, CCS can be backdated up to 28 days. Backdated CCS will be paid directly to you.

Changes to Child Care Subsidy in 2024

From 8 July 2024 the CCS hourly rate caps and family income thresholds will go up in line with CPI, which is positive news for families.

Centre Based Daycare

The hourly rate cap for children below school age is increasing to $14.29

Family Income

Up to $83,280

The family income threshold will increase to $83,280 for 90% subsidy rate

$83,280 - $533,280

Decreasing from 90%. The % decreases by 1% for every $5,000 of income a family earns

$533,280 or more



Contact Us

For more information on CCS, talk to our Enquiries team today about how we can help you with your Aspire enrolment!