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Aspire Atherstone’s Nature Excursion

As an early education provider, we offer a range of incursions and excursions as part of our Aspire curriculum that enhance the children’s learning, interests, and key skills.

Aspire Early Education Atherstone run regular excursions to various locations with their neighbourhood, which provide the opportunity for the children to explore their local community. Connecting with the community and local businesses can help children make new friends and find an interest in the wider world. It also helps them understand the different people, places, and things within the community, and can make them feel safer within their surroundings.

Atherstone’s First Excursion of the year!

The children at Aspire Atherstone were super excited to go on their first adventure for 2024. Our 4-year-old kindergarten ventured to the local park and playground, which gave them the opportunity to explore their natural surroundings. The children had fun on the playground and made up their own fun games together!

As the children had to cross a few roads to get to the local park, it also provided a good opportunity to go over the road safety rules and to practice the process of 'stop, look, listen and think' before safely crossing the road. Children learn through experience, which is why having these excursions are ideal times to learn road safety techniques. 

These neighbourhood walks also promote exploration and helps to build confidence and self identity within the children. These are important skills that will help them with their transition into primary school and beyond.

To learn more about our curriculum and excursions at Aspire Atherstone, book a tour of our centre today or contact us on 1800 978 429.   

Every child deserves the best care possible

Curriculum that supports your child’s learning and development in the first 5 years of their life.
Programs designed to ensure learning is tailored to each child’s individual, family, and community needs.
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Inclusive environments to create positive learning experiences for all children and families.
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